From time to time, I like to actually think about the commercials I'm watching, judge their effectiveness, and then evaluate what I know about advertising. I'm not going to make this post super boring, but I'd like to talk about the way advertising for movies has changed.
With the rise of social media, sharing content attached with a product or service becomes incredibly important for business looking to bring in new customers. When comparing TV ads from the 90s to now, one thing is quite obvious. We don't care about plots of movies anymore. All we are looking for is key characteristics of a movie. Is it action? Comedy? horror? We get confused too easily if comedy gets mixed in with explaining a plot. We also are looking for if our age or personalities fit well with the movie. Is it inappropriate for my age? Will my friends like it?
I think it's quite remarkable that we go into a movie essentially not knowing what the movie is about. Take the new Spiderman movie for example. What do we really know about the movie? That there's action, yes. Some Lizard villian, yes. A girl, sorta. Besides that, we don't know, and don't really care to know.